Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.0 Appendices Appendix c: Data Compression -Scheme 32773- Abstract This do umen simple tompression scheme for bilevel scanncd and paint typc filcs. Motivation The TIFF specification defines a number +f f compression schemes Compression type 1 is really conpression, other than basic pixel Compression tyxe paseq on conpression, powerful, bu not trivial implement Compression sype 5 i5 typicalty very effecrive for MOSI bifevet images a wetl as maMy deeper images such as palette cator and grayscale images, bu is atso not trivial implemeni PackRits is a simple but often effective allemative Description Several gord schemes were already in usc in varicus settings. We sonewhat . arbitrarily picked the Marcintosh PackBits scheme. l is byte oriented so there is no problem with alignment And it ...